The real estate market has shifted….. it actually shifted about 4 months ago at the beginning of the 2nd quarter. But, it is finally sinking in to the general public that we have more homes on the market now, with longer days on the market. The causes are due to several things including (1) prices […]
Creative Financing Seminar – Reminder – this Saturday July 14, 2018 @ 10 am
Hey Everyone! Reminder – I am hosting a special talk this Saturday at 10 am on Creative Financing for Real Estate Purchasing! Our speaker will be Investor Sati Ah, who has purchased numerous properties using alternative financing methods such as private lenders and seller financing. We will also have refreshments provided by lender Rick Loveall […]
You’re Invited! Creative Financing for Real Estate Purchasing
You are Invited! To a special talk and discussion about Purchasing Real Estate Using Creating Financing. Have you ever wondered what other ways you can purchase real estate other than using conventional mortgages? What are some other options that you can consider when buying a home? Either for investment or for your own use? Come […]